Password reset

Do you need to reset your password?

Section 1. Password reset when you cannot log in (e.g. You forgot your password or trying to create your acccount for the first time but your link has expired).
If you are able to log-in but needing to change your password (e.g. you think your account has been compromised), jump to the next section

On the sign-in page, click 'Forgot Password?'

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Enter the email address that your organisation has assigned your license to. 

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If the account exists in our system, you should receive an email soon with further instructions. If you do not receive an email, make sure that you entered the registered email correctly and check your spam/junk folder. 

The email should look like the one below 

Click the link to reset the credentials. You will now be prompted to enter your new password. It is recommended that you have the 'sign out from other devices' checkbox ticked for security measures.

Password must:

  • Be at least 10 characters long
  • Include at least one lowercase letter (a-z)
  • Include at least one uppercase letter (A-Z)
  • Include at least one number (0-9)
  • Include at least one special character (!#$?%@) 

If the page says 'Action expired. Please start again'. This means it has been over 5 minutes since you last requested a password change and the link has expired. You will have to enter your email in 'Forgot Password?' again.

Your password should now be successfuly reset. Still needing support? Please send us an email detailing any issues you encounter and a screenshot if possible


Section 2. If you are able to log-in but needing to change your password (e.g. you think your account has been compromised), please follow the steps below:

Head to 'Preferences' on the side-menu and double check your user details. Then click on 'Change password'. 

change password

You will then be directed to re-authenticate yourself. Enter your current password then press Sign In.


You will now be prompted to enter your new password. It is recommended that you have the 'sign out from other devices' checkbox ticked for security measures.

Password must:

  • Be at least 10 characters long
  • Include at least one lowercase letter (a-z)
  • Include at least one uppercase letter (A-Z)
  • Include at least one number (0-9)
  • Include at least one special character (!#$?%@) 

  Screenshot 2023-06-23 163106

Click Submit, you will now be redirected back to your account preferences.